Privacy Policy

April 17, 2021

This privacy policy of personal information (Privacy policy) is actual according to all the information that the ExpectedScore website could get about the User during the exploring the ExpectedScore website, Programs, and Products placed on the website.


1.1.This Privacy policy includes the following terms:

1.1.1. “The Administration of ExpectedScore website (hereinafter referred to as the Administration)” – officials designated to site management and acts on behalf of the ExpectedScore website, who arrange and (or) provide Personal data processing and determine the aims of Personal data processing.

1.1.2. “Personal data” – any information related to (or by) a person (the subject of personal data).

1.1.3. “Personal data processing” – an act or set of actions provided with or without automatic techniques which include collecting, recording, systematizing, store, completing, extracting, transmitting, locking, or destruction of Personal data.

1.1.4. “The privacy of Personal data” – the protection of personal data from those who should not have access to it and the ability of the User to determine who can access his personal information.

1.1.5. “The User of ExpectedScore website (hereinafter referred to as the “User”)” – a person who has an access to ExpectedScore website.

1.1.6. “Cookies” — are the text files with small pieces of data that are used to identify the User’s computer. Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users and improve their web browsing experience.

1.1.7. “IP - address — a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network 


2.1. The use of the ExpectedScore website means that the User agrees with this Privacy policy and the terms of personal data processing.

2.2.User who disagree with this Privacy policy must stop using the ExpectedScore website.

2.3. This Privacy policy applies only to the ExpectedScore website. ExpectedScore website is not responsible for the websites of third parties which could be accessed by following the links placed on the ExpectedScore website.

2.4. The Administration does not verify the validity of personal data provided by the Users of the ExpectedScore website.


3.1. This Privacy policy states the obligations for the Administration of ExpectedScore website about the non-disclosure and safety of Personal data, which the User provides during the registration on the ExpectedScore website or ordering a Product from the ExpectedScore website.

3.2. The User provides his Personal data approved for processing according to this Privacy policy by entering a registration form on the ExpectedScore website. During the registration on the ExpectedScore website the User undertakes to provide the following information:

3.2.1. Customer’s name and surname (or the admitted person’s name and surname);

3.2.2. email.

3.3. ExpectedScore protects Data which automatically transmitted during the visit of certain pages with the statistical script (“Pixel”):

• IP address;

• information obtained by our cookies;

• information about the browser (or any other program which provides access to advertising);

• time of access;

• the address of a page with advertising block;

• referrer (the address of a previous page ).

3.3.1. Disabling cookies could lead to problems with access to those parts of the ExpectedScore website which require being logged in.

3.3.2. ExpectedScore website collects the IP statistics of the users. This information is used to identify and resolve technical issues and to check payment authenticity.

3.4. Any other personal data, in addition to already specified (purchase history, browsers, operating systems, and others), should be secure and non-profiled, except the situations specified in paragraph 5.2. and 5.3. of this Privacy policy.


4.1. The Administration of ExpectedScore website is eligible to use User’s personal data: 

4.1.1. To identify the User registered on the ExpectedScore website for processing an order and (or) conducting a Contract for the purchase between the Seller and the Customer. 

4.1.2. To provide the User with access to personalized services of the ExpectedScore website.

4.1.3. To provide feedback with the User including notifications, requests according to the use of the ExpectedScore website, services, and Order processing.

4.1.4. To identify the User’s location to provide security and to prevent fraud.

4.1.5. To confirm accuracy and completeness of User’s personal data. 

4.1.6. To create an account for purchasing in case of the User’s confirmation for this action. 

4.1.7. To supply Users of the ExpectedScore website with the Order status.

4.1.8. To process and receive payments, to confirm taxes or tax breaks, to consent payments, to specify the Customer’s possibility to obtain credit. 

4.1.9. To provide the Customer with the client and technical support in case of issues that occurred during the exploring of the ExpectedScore website. 

4.1.10. To provide Customer (with his consent) with updated versions of Products, special offers, price information, newsletter, and other information on behalf of the ExpectedScore project or its partners.

4.1.11. To provide advertising activities (with Customer’s consent).

4.1.12. To provide Customers with access to ExpectedScore or its partner’s websites in order to get products, updates, and services.


5.1. Personal data processing is not terminated and provided in any legal way including information systems of personal data with or without automated techniques. 

5.2. The User confirms that the Administration of ExpectedScore website is eligible to transmit his personal data to third parties such as courier services, postal services, telecommunication operators in order to fulfill the Order from the ExpectedScore website including Delivery of a Product.

5.3. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data the Administration of ExpectedScore website should notify the User about loss or disclosure of personal data.

5.4. The Administration of the ExpectedScore website takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User’s personal data against improper or accidental access, destroying, changing, locking, copying, dissemination, and other third partie’s improper actions.

5.5. The Administration of the ExpectedScore website cooperates with the User to take all the measures against the damages or other negative consequences caused by loss or disclosure of the User’s personal data.


6.1. The User is obliged:

6.1.1. To provide Personal data necessary for using the ExpectedScore website.

6.1.2. To update or complete Personal data in case of a change of his data.

6.2. The Administration of the ExpectedScore website is obliged:

6.2.1. To use received Personal data only for the purposes specified in paragraph 4 of this Privacy policy. 

6.2.2. To store Personal data. Disclosure of Personal data without prior User’s written approval, resell, rechange, publish, or other ways of transmission of Personal data is not allowed, except paragraph 5.2. and 5.3. of this Privacy policy.

6.2.3. To take precautionary measures in order to protect the privacy of Personal data according to the procedure normally used for the protection of this sort of data.

6.2.4. To provide the lock of the User’s Personal data from the moment of a request of the User (or his legal representative or authorized body for protection Subject’s personal data) during the verification in case of incorrect personal data or improper actions.

7. Responsibility of the parties

7.1. If the Administration of ExpectedScore website was not performing its obligations, it would be responsible for damages caused by improper usage of personal data.

7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data the Administration of ExpectedScore website is not responsible if that personal data: 

7.2.1. Became public knowledge before the loss or disclosure. 

7.2.2. Was received by third parties before the Administration of ExpectedScore website.

7.2.3. Was disclosed with the User’s consent.


8.1. Primary to the appeal to the Court with the dispute that follows the relations between User of ExpectedScore website and the Administration of ExpectedScore website should be a claim in a written form that includes a suggestion for a voluntary settlement.

8.2. The Recipient of a claim should notify the Claimant of the result of a claim review in 30 days.


9.1. The Administration of the ExpectedScore website is eligible to change this Privacy policy without notifying Users and without the User’s confirmation.

9.2. The Updated Privacy policy becomes effective from the moment of its publication on the ExpectedScore website unless otherwise provided by the Updated policy. 

9.3. Suggestions and questions should be written to our Support in the “Contacts” section.

9.4. This privacy policy is placed on the following page

Updated April 17, 2021.